Monday, July 6, 2009

Joy Castro reviews DAMAS

Joy Castro is a writer (The Truth Book), a professor, the bloggera behind, and an esteemed colleague through our membership in Macondo, the writers' collective created by Sandra Cisneros. I'm proud to call Joy a home girl—she lives in my home town of Lincoln, Nebraska, where she's a professor of English at the University of Nebraska.

Joy has totally blown me away with her enormously thoughtful critique of Damas, Dramas, and Ana Ruiz. Click here to read what she has to say about the book, Latina Letters, and where Damas falls in the spectrum of popular women's literature.


  1. HI Belinda,

    I am the Blog Tour to review your book on August 13th at One Persons Journey Through a World of Books. I am wondering, as many of us will be promoting your book, if there is anything in particular you would like mentioned or offered? Would you like to do a give away? Or an interview? Or is there something different in mind?
    I am excited to receive my review copy and really give your book a big send off.

    You can link to me through my website or by emailing me at
    journey through books @ gmail . com

    Thanks so much! I look forward to discussing this further with you.

  2. Hi Sheila! Glad you're part of the blog tour. For book giveaways, please contact the person who invited you to participate in the blog tour. She can set you up with book giveaways y todo.

    As I understand it, many bloggeras are sending their questions in advance. Are you? If so, ask away! I will address the questions the week of the blog tour. Right now, I'm in the thick of re-writes for the second book in the series. But once that's wrapped up, it's on to the tour--as well as the fabulous book release party August 18!

    Best, and thanks again for joining in on the tour.

    Belinda Acosta
